martes, 30 de mayo de 2006

A song for a diving swan

He lives in cold faraway north, in the warm south of his homeland
"Summer is the season" he said
while diving into melancholy under the sunshine

Swans that dive from balconies
desist from seeing what the morning brings
somehow to them is not worth waiting for anything

Summertime down here in this city is warm and wet
It drifts smoothly out of springtime
and if autumn is a long summer or an early winter you can never tell

Rainy afternoon -hello summer
Green and blue thoughts

It's been raining down hard -I wish he could smell the rain
And the way the rain comes down hard
Is how i feel sometimes inside

Rainy afternoon -hello summer
Dampness all around

I never feel like diving
I am always wanting to know what is happening next
Sometimes i feel like dancing
And sometimes i dance by myself

I don't care if i slip on wet floor
It may be just a chance to slip away
Hello summer
Let the music play some more

Summer is the season
It's all rain under the sun
Hello summer -dance with me
Let the music play some more

Summer is... -say hello
Dance away wet through the core
Say hello to rain
Say hello to love yet unknown

3 comentarios:

Amenazza dijo...

Gracias por visitar mi blog, que bien que salió en Google!
Chido el tuyo, al rayo checo el curezco, por acá andaremos visitando...

Christopher Steven b. dijo...

i read this about a week ago and just didn't know what to say. i still do not know what to say though i shall read your offering again. at the very least i am honored that you have thought of me, and that this, somehow, has resulted in your wordblossom..

Miss Matrix dijo...

I think of you quite often.
I loved our conversations and i am missing your words. Now i miss your pictures too.
Come back before you leave!